

Zhu Ling Xin

I am Chinese a I have been lived in the Czech Republic for almost 20 years. I work as Czech-Chinese translator and licened chinese tour guider.


Popular tours

Terezin Memorial - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday 8:45

Terezin Memorial - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday 8:45

Český Krumlov

Český Krumlov

The Velvet Revolution and the Fall of Communism

The Velvet Revolution and the Fall of Communism

Informations about this guide


Master's degree

Work experience

  • Good knowledges of Czech traditional customs and local tourist attractions, worked for many Chinese groups or delegations in Czech and other european countries.


  • Licened chinese tour guider, oficial tour guider certificate No. 09/09/2007, issued by University of Business in Prague on September 18, 2007,